Labor Day 2023

Mitch Salyers


Welcome to a shorter week in the life of preschool as we observe Labor Day, September 4, 2023. We are not short though in our appreciation for all the caregivers and stakeholders in the lives of our students, especially GRANDPARENTS! Please read over your newsletters this week and use our common themes and ideas as table talk for your students. In case you did not know: researchers often cite the work of Betty Hart and Todd Risley in the concept of the 30 Million Word Gap. This idea suggests that children up to age 4 from a lower socioeconomic status heard 30 million fewer words than children from a higher socioeconomic status. One could argue that the students of KCA are not in the lower socioeconomic group as our parents are sending their children to high quality preschool. But the fact is ever present: children need language in their development. The sheer idea that this is being studied and correlated with student long term achievement is enough for any parent to take notice that our conversations with children do indeed have a lasting effect on their development of schema (mental structures that an individual uses to organize knowledge and guide cognitive processes and behavior). Having newsletters weekly helps all stakeholders understand what your child's teachers are discussing in class and helps to facilitate those conversations that traverse between home and school.

An important date just popped into our calendar: September 25th and 26th. KCA picture day this year will be in cooperation with LifeTouch Portraits. I believe I have negotiated a service that will exceed Teddy Bear Portraits for our Fall Sessions. Yes, we will be able to have siblings photographed together. I should have more specifics coming shortly, so please check out the door signs, newsletters, and emails. I do know that same day viewing and online ordering are both available. Let's get ready to smile!

Finally, in case you did not see the window cling: KCA has earned 5 years as a Level 3 in the Paths to Quality Program. Jonella truly paved the way in this venture and I am proud to say that we were recognized for the consistent level of high quality for our school. We look forward to our visit from PTQ on September 18, where we earn our 6th year!

Enough said for one email. Enjoy the holiday!


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